Couples Therapy
Committed relationships can be one the most challenging and at the same time most rewarding part of our lives. Intimate relationships provide a mirror for us, often reminding us of our deepest and most painful memories. Ultimately, when we are hurt in relationship, we must also find ways to heal in relationship.
Often, we end up feeling triggered by our partner and cycling through old patterns without knowing how to do things differently. In order for a relationship to work, both people must be committed to working on themselves and their relationship.
Couples therapy is helpful for sorting through those issues. Our therapists help couples understand how and where they learned “to do” relationships. Then we support clients to establish new, healthy ways of being in relationship with each other. The ultimate goal being to relax the reactive states that are so often triggered and move into true intimacy. When this happens, you will thrive as a couple, and as an individual.
Couples therapy is helpful for sorting through those issues. Our therapists help couples understand how and where they learned to do relationships. Then we support clients to establish new, healthy ways of making contact with each other. We operate on the idea that couples provide support, care, and primary attachment for each other.
Old material activated in relationship is a golden opportunity to repair history.
– Stan Tatkin